Enerkal Master

Liquid mix of calcium and complexed magnesium.

Liquid mix of calcium and complexed magnesium.
✓ Fundamental in the cellular walls’ composition in the plants.
✓ Displaces out of the roots’ reach the sodium salts that destroy the porous structure.
Liquid mix of calcium and complexed magnesium.
✓ Fundamental in the cellular walls’ composition in the plants.
✓ Displaces out of the roots’ reach the sodium salts that destroy the porous structure.

E N E R K A L  M A S T E R


◗ Fruit trees: 3 to 6L / Ha / a week. During the whole vegetative cycle.

◗ Vine: 3 to 6L / Ha / a week. During the whole vegetative cycle.

◗ Horticulture: 5 to 10L / Ha / a week. During the whole vegetative cycle.


The state of the product is liquid.

1000 L

ENERKAL MASTER is sold in 1000 L containers.

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