USB 20.20

Basic substance. Hydrochloride chitosan.

Basic substance. Hydrochloride chitosan.
✓ Fungicide, bactericide and anti-viral effect.
✓ Boosts the crops’ return when applied.
✓ Preventive effect against nematodes.
Basic substance. Hydrochloride chitosan.
✓ Fungicide, bactericide and anti-viral effect.
✓ Boosts the crops’ return when applied.
✓ Preventive effect against nematodes.

R E S O U R C E  I N T E N S E


◗ Fruit trees / Vegetables / Vines: Foliar use: 250-300cm3/hl. Irrigation use: 4-8l/ha.

 During root development phase and the corresponding leaf development.

◗ Ornamental plants and green areas: Foliar use: 300-400cm3/hl. Irrigation use: 5-10l/ha.

  During the development phase.

◗ Tropical: At the beginning of the cycle since post-harvest. Foliar use: 250-350cm3/hl. Irrigation use: 3-6l/ha.

   At the beginning of the cycle since post-harvest.

◗ Extensive crops: Foliar use: 200-250cm3/hl. Irrigation use: 2-4l/ha.

 From the beginning of germination to flowering.

It is compatible with the majority of fertilizers, pesticides, nematicides and foliar fertilizers, but it is advisable to make a previous test.

Avoid mixing with products with alkaline reaction. Apply to pH < 6.5.

Ecological agriculture

The product can be used in Ecological agriculture.


The state of the product is liquid.

5L and 10L

USB 20.20 is sold in stackable 5 and 10 L drums.

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