StronGkher Recharge

Fertilizer with amino acids. Liquid mixture of micronutrients. Boron, manganese and zinc. 

Fertilizer with amino acids. Liquid mixture of micronutrients. Boron, manganese and zinc.
✓ Accelerates the nutritional process and the nutrients’ metabolising.
✓ Used for: reserves recharge, getting through winter, stockpiling reserves for the next campaign’s beginning and so strengthening the flower regrowth.
Fertilizer with amino acids. Liquid mixture of micronutrients. Boron, manganese and zinc.
✓ Accelerates the nutritional process and the nutrients’ metabolising.
✓ Used for: reserves recharge, getting through winter, stockpiling reserves for the next campaign’s beginning and so strengthening the flower regrowth.

S T R O N G K H E R  R E C H A R G E


Foliar application

◗ Vine: 300-400 cm3/Hl.

◗ Arboriculture: 250-300 cm3/Hl.

◗ Olives: 350 cm3/Hl.

◗ Actinidia: 250 cm3/Hl.

◗ Red fruit: 250-300 cm3/Hl.

◗ Avocado: 300 cm3/Hl.


The state of the product is liquid.


STRONGKHER RECHARGE is sold in stackable 5 L drums.

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