Proserpina Geolife

Humic acids.

Proserpina Geolife

Humic acids.

Humic acids.
✓ Regulates the soil's pH and alkaline conditions.
✓ Retains nutritional substances, reducing losses from leaching.
✓ Stimulates the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms in the soil and increases the root development.
Humic acids.
✓ Regulates the soil's pH and alkaline conditions.
✓ Retains nutritional substances, reducing losses from leaching.
✓ Stimulates the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms in the soil and increases the root development.

P R O S E R P I N A  G E O L I F E


◗ Fruit trees/citruses: During the whole vegetative cycle. Irrigation: 50-80l/ha.

◗ Vegetables: Continuous applications during farming. Irrigation: 50-80l/ha.

◗ Vines/olives: During the whole vegetative cycle. Irrigation: 50-80l/ha

◗ Berries: Monitoring the crop’s cycle. Irrigation: 50-80l/ha.

◗ Tropical: During the whole vegetative cycle. Irrigation: 50-80l/ha. Injecting 20-25L-1000L. Water (established plantations >3 years); young plants 10L -50L. Water.

Ecological agriculture

The product can be used in Ecological agriculture.

Soluble liquid

The state of the product is liquid.


PROSERPINA GEOLIFE is sold 20 litres drums and 1000L containers.

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